I will be participating in the New Museum's Draftsman's Congress event along with my CBIG colleagues: Diane Allison, Angelique Anderson, Yuko Katakawa, Amalia Hoffman, Kitty Leech, Madonna Davidoff, Marilyn Papas, Nancy Doniger, Lisa Cinelli. Our session takes place on Feb. 16th. This event created by the artist Pawel Althamer first took place at the Berlin Biennale 2012. A new event will recreate that experience at the New Museum in association with an exhibit of Althamer's art. Throughout the run of the exhibition, the blank white space of the fourth floor gallery will be transformed with drawings and paintings by Althamer, visitors and invited art groups from all disciplines. (Please be advised that this is not strictly a children's program. Fine art nude representations may be included by collaborating artists). In the last week of the exhibition the walls will be cut into pieces and distributed to visitors. Photos and videos documenting the event will be posted to the museum's web site. Check back here for more info and photos specific to our group.